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Palworld: How to change the game language? A step-by-step guide.

Learn how to change the language in Palworld. This guide covers the steps to change the language in Palworld on PC or Steam.

Palworld, the engaging open-world game, offers various options for language customization to enhance your gaming experience. Whether you’re more comfortable with simplified Chinese or another language, changing the game’s language setting can be done in a few simple steps. This guide will walk you through different methods to modify the language in Palworld.

1. Utilizing Steam’s In-Game Language Setting

Accessing Steam Library: First, open your Steam application. Navigate to your library where all your games are listed.

  • Locating Palworld: In your Steam Library, find Palworld. This is usually in the list of games on the left-hand side of the screen.

  • Adjusting Game Properties: Right-click on Palworld and select ‘Properties’ from the context menu. This will open a new window with various options for customizing your game experience.

  • Navigating to Language Settings: In the Properties window, click on the ‘General’ tab. Here, you will find various settings related to the game. Look for the ‘Language’ section within this tab.

  • Selecting Preferred Language: Click on the dropdown menu in the Language section and select your desired language. Palworld supports multiple languages, so you can choose the one that you are most comfortable with.

  • Confirming the Change: Close the Properties window and open Palworld to see if the changes have taken effect. Your game should now display text in the selected language.

2. Editing the Language File

A straightforward method to change Palworld’s language involves editing a specific text file:

  • Locate the Language File: Navigate to C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\settings and find the language.txt file.
  • Modify the File: Open language.txt and change the content to schinese for simplified Chinese. This step can be adjusted for other languages by replacing schinese with your preferred language code.

3. Creating a Force Language File

For those who prefer a more direct approach:

  • Access the Steamworks Folder: Go to the directory Palworld.Early.Access\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Steamworks\Steamv153\Win64.
  • Create a New Text File: In this folder, create a text file named force_language.txt.
  • Set the Language: In the newly created file, type simplified chinese or your desired language setting.

Additional Tips for Language Settings in Palworld

  • Ensure Game Updates: Always make sure your game is updated to the latest version for these changes to work effectively.
  • Backup Original Files: Before editing any game files, it’s wise to create a backup. This precaution allows you to restore the original settings if needed.
  • Consult Palworld Forums: If you encounter issues, the Palworld community forums can be a great resource for assistance and additional tips.

Conclusion: Enhancing Your Palworld Adventure

Changing the language in Palworld is a simple process that can greatly improve your gaming experience, especially if you’re more comfortable with a language other than the default setting. By following these easy steps, you can customize your Palworld adventure to suit your language preferences, making your journey in this captivating world even more enjoyable. Happy gaming in your language of choice in Palworld!

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